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Category Archives: Video Games

Gears of War 2 Cover

A great game that expands greatly on the original Gears of War. Lots of visceral gore and bone crunching action makes it quite a satisfying experience for those with a little sadistic touch!

Anway… I’ve always loved this scene in Gears of War 2.  It really goes to show just how far video games have come since their early days. If you haven’t played the game and are planning to, don’t watch it. Seriously just play it.

In this scene, Dom after looking for his wife since the first game finally meets up with her. My friend and I were not expecting this after having played through Gears of War 1 together as well, we were kinda expecting the typical happy reunion and ‘awww’ moments…

Anyway this scene has great voice acting especially from Carlos Ferro as Dom while John DiMaggio (Bender from Futurama) as Fenix does his usual gruffness. The music as always is also great.


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Taken right off my screen!

Well after playing Wolverine Origins (the game) and seeing a perfect 3D reconstruction of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine sans his shirt… I wanna have a body like that! All guys can work out… but not everyone looks this good. Some bodies pack on muscle in an ugly manner… but the Jackman is perfect in my opinion. Also massive props for pulling off a hairy muscular body on the big screen and still having women love you!

Of course to get such a body quite a gruelling task is required involving three hours of exercise a day, a controlled diet that heavily features boiled food and avoiding other indulgences….